[KPhotoAlbum] Idea for quick search feature

Shawn Willden shawn-kimdaba at willden.org
Tue Apr 24 13:04:31 BST 2007

On Tuesday 24 April 2007 12:13:15 am Baptiste MATHUS wrote:
> 2007/4/23, Jan Kundrát <jkt at gentoo.org>:
> > That would be horribly confusing, IMHO. What would you do if you have
> > space in some tag value? For example I know a lot of people whose given
> > name is Pavel, so I tag images with stuff like "pavel", "pavel m",
> > "pavel h" etc.
> Yes. For example, almost all my persons have firstname and lastname. So in
> this case, it would be difficult to handle.

I think it would be less difficult than Jan's case.  In his case "pavel" is 
going to get an overly-large result set and since the approach I'm suggesting 
would search for "m" in any field, "pavel m" wouldn't narrow the result set 
much at all.

For databases that use full names, it's more likely that, for example, a 
search for "baptiste mathus" wouldn't find many images that don't contain you 
(of course, if your database is anything like mine, there aren't many images 
of you in it -- I tend to be the one behind the camera, not in front of 
it :-) ).


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