[KPhotoAlbum] Error: EXIF database cannot be opened. (solved)

Jesper K. Pedersen blackie at blackie.dk
Tue Jun 6 15:11:26 BST 2006

On Tuesday 06 June 2006 09:19, Rui Malheiro wrote:
| [Terça, 6 de Junho de 2006 14:07] Tuomas Suutari:
| > But I bug you still... Please tell me what "Help -> KPhotoAlbum Feature
| > Status" says about your features. (those 4 Yes/No rows)
| >
| > Does it really say that you have Sqlite Database Support? Because if it
| > does I need to find some other reason why KPA closed with you first
| > time.
|    Plug-ins available       Yes
|    EXIF info supported      Yes
|    SQL Database Support     Yes
|    Sqlite Database Support  No
| You say sqldb support is work in progress. Is it worth to spend some time
| trying to get it to work on my system or wait until it's more complete?
I think there is a general misunderstanding regarding the --enable-sqldb.
This flag is for enabling the SQL backend for storing annotations (the stuff I 
gave up on, and which Tuomas now is doing a SOC about)
It has nothing to do with the EXIF DB.


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