[KimDaBa] Newbie Q: Auto-assign Location/Persons on import?

Jean-Michel FAYARD jmfayard at gmail.com
Tue Sep 28 10:29:13 BST 2004

On Mon, 27 Sep 2004 22:59:06 -0500, Michael Sternberg
<starbuzz at comcast.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a collection of a couple thousand images, currently stored in a
> directory hierarchy primarily organised by location, roughly following this
> scheme:
>         country/province_or_state/city/street_or_site.
> When I point kimdaba at this tree, I'd be faced with a flat list of
>  thumbnails (broken down into chunks of 100 per default).  Obviously, this is
>  impractical as a base for importing and further maintaining such a
>  collection.  The need for going beyond the simple tree scheme arose since I
>  want to assign "event" labels which cover multiple sites in turn, and
>  create/view albums by location and/or event.  It seems Kimdaba would be
>  perfect for this (single user, single machine, no need for SQL engine) once
>  the initial import is done.
> So the question I'd like to ask is this:  What would be the best way to
>  retain information from an existing directory hierarchy upon import (pickup)
>   into kimdaba?
> I'm using kimdaba-1.1 with SuSE-9.1.

Hello, in KimDaBa 2.0 which is getting close, you can browse by folder
exactly the same way you browse by Persons, Location or Keywords now,
but auto-assigned, so your transition effort will be close to zero.

Screenshot : http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~upaxe/temp/kimdaba_with_folder.png

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