Hey<br>KDE is all about cool ideas, so I have this idea for Konversation<br>It is my main irc client so I use it a lot and on irc people often post links to pictures.<br>So instead of clicking to view them how about when you hover over the link you get a preview of that picture?<br>
Because when you click on the link it takes some time before the images appears in the browser only to find out that the picture wasn't really worth the workflow break and wait.<br>You then have to close the tab etc all of what could have been avoided.<br>
It's not that I'm lazy but because this is a useful feature and implementations isn't that difficult<br>Qt provides everything you need to fetch the picture and display it.<br>But I'm not in the position to judge about the implementations difficulty, I've never worked for KDE but with Qt so I have a rough approach in my head on how to do this<br>
<br>Well I just wanted to spread my idea, you guys rock thanks for all that great quality software for free!!<br>