<br><br>On Wednesday, March 7, 2012, Jekyll Wu <<a href="mailto:adaptee@gmail.com">adaptee@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br>><br>> "User data" means profiles, colorschemes and keybindings. It is strange that those data files are well organized in our source code, but installed in a flat way under /usr/share/apps/konsole. Although the location make no difference to most users, I think that flat way is cluttered and not friendly for future changes.<br>
><br>> One of the "future changes" is the GHNS support for colorschemes. I like that idea. There are already some konsole colorschemes scattered around in <a href="http://kde-look.org">kde-look.org</a> and other places. If we add that support, I guess users will happily share and create more colorschemes. It is better to put all colorschemes into its own sub-folder.<br>
><br>> I'm not suggesting we should do it now or soon. Actually, writing new code is the least thing I want to do for Konsole at this moment.<br>><br>> So to sum up:<br>><br>> 1). move/put those data files into its own sub-folders: "./profiles", "./colorschemes", and "keyboard-layouts".<br>
><br>I don't really have any objection.<br><br>> 2). add GHNS support for colorschemes; I guess most people are not interested with downloading and using profiles and keyindings from Internet.<br>><br>Yes this should done when every someone has time to code.<br>
<br> Thanks<br> Â Â Kurt<br><br>> Any thoughts?<br>><br>> Regards<br>> Jekyll<br>> _______________________________________________<br>> konsole-devel mailing list<br>> <a href="mailto:konsole-devel@kde.org">konsole-devel@kde.org</a><br>
> <a href="https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/konsole-devel">https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/konsole-devel</a><br>>