konsole as terminal engine for developer oriented serial port terminal

Jakub Ladman ladmanj at volny.cz
Thu Oct 5 07:51:23 BST 2023

Dear Konsole developers,

For many decades I'm lacking a good terminal emulator capable of opening 
serial port and enabling manual control of DTR and RTS signals, when 
automatic flow control is disabled.

There are programs with great terminal emulation including konsole, 
putty, mintty, with excellent compatibility with escape sequences, 
unicode, and other awesome qualities.

Then there are few developer terminals with direct handshake signal 
control, such as Bray https://sites.google.com/site/terminalbpp/, 
https://www.hw-group.com/software/hercules-setup-utility, ... mostly for 
windows only, but I have seen and tried a few linux capable also.

All of them are pretty bad in terms of compatibility and responsiveness.

I would like to start new opensource project, which will use qserialport 
Qt component (or a KDE alternative if applicable), few buttons and 
embeded Konsole.

I will be glad for any advice how to start and how to design such an 
application to keep it simple, clean and up-to date with upstream Konsole.

I have slight experience with creating Qt application, I am also more 
than twenty year experienced KDE user, but never wrote KDE style 
application by myself.

I am an hardware engineer rather than professional programmer.

Thank you!

Jakub Ladman

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