[konsole] [Bug 455166] URL matching regressions

Ahmad Samir bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Fri Jul 1 19:01:23 BST 2022


--- Comment #11 from Ahmad Samir <a.samirh78 at gmail.com> ---
Git commit e925acc1ca60ef1116fa84cc35328d5accad23c5 by Ahmad Samir, on behalf
of Luis Javier Merino MorĂ¡n.
Committed on 01/07/2022 at 15:33.
Pushed by ahmadsamir into branch 'release/22.04'.

Only recognize URIs with balanced parentheses

To prevent URIs inside parentheses from getting extended to the closing
parenthesis, only recognize URIs with balanced parentheses in regname,
path, query and/or fragment.  We still allow unbalanced parenthesis in
userInfo, since the postfix @ should prevent most ambiguous situations,
and the parenthesis can be part of a password.

M  +13   -0    src/autotests/HotSpotFilterTest.cpp
M  +13   -8    src/filterHotSpots/UrlFilter.cpp


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