Interested in doing a little work documenting the plugin system

Tomaz Canabrava tcanabrava at
Sat Dec 17 23:18:59 GMT 2022

Hello Adrian.

On Sat, 17 Dec 2022 at 19:14 Adrian Edwards <adrian at>

> Hello Konsole mailing list!
> I was directed here from the KDE Development matrix room because i'm
> interested in developing (or at least trying to develop) a plugin to
> allow users to autofill their passwords from Bitwarden into Konsole.
> After looking around a few places (such as some of the issues on KDE
> Invent/Gitlab where the plugin system was created, the Konsole manual,
> and various google searches) I haven't been able to find much
> documentation on the process for creating a plugin and was told some
> people here (Tomaz specifically) might have some laying around.

I created the plug-in system on Konsole, the lack of real Documentation is
explained by the simplicity of its design, I’m not sure that this is a good
thing ;)

But the plug-in is fairly simple:
Each plug-in receives a MainWindow and reacts to changes on TerminalWidget.

This basically allows you to use anything declared on libkonsokeprivate,
accessing the header files for session.h, TerminalDisplay.h, mainwindow.h
from within the plug-in.

The “best” documentation for the plug-in is the  SSHManager plug-in since
it’s self contained, and has code to create widgets, interact with other
applications (ssh) and how to save / store data, and send code to the

I don’t know what do you need on the BitWarden side to communicate with
Konsole, but if it offers an api, I think it’s doable.

> Even if I never end up finishing my plugin, I figured I could at least
> recording what I learn throughout the process, or otherwise move the
> documentation forward in a mostly-helpful direction, especially as
> someone who is basically completely fresh to this codebase and community.
> Looking forward to potentially contributing!
> Adrian
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