D26744: Support opening new sessions in current working dir

Christian Muehlhaeuser noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Mar 10 06:36:22 GMT 2020

muesli added a comment.

  In D26744#625119 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D26744#625119>, @mweepigeon wrote:
  > Right after launching Yakuake, if I make a new tab or split Left/Right or Top/Bottom, Yakuake will open in the current working directory instead of the default home directory, as expected.
  > There seems to be a little bit of lag as well, though I'm not sure what can be done about that. If I change my current directory and open a new tab too quickly, it will open to the previous directory instead of my current one - pretty much if I try to spawn a new tab before the title bar can update with the new directory, this will happen. Don't think much can be done about this.
  You're right, there's probably little we can do: we need to wait for the shell to update the cwd, konsole to pick up on it and the signals to be propagated through to Yakuake. However I'm not sure if this is really much of an issue. I can only forcefully trigger it within milliseconds after changing the directory. While regularly using my terminal I've never ran into this situation. It's also worth noting that Konsole itself behaves the same way.
  > However, if I change directories and split left/right or top/bottom, Yakuake will open the new session in the original directory that it was in when I launched Yakuake. Using "two terminals, split horizontally" works fine, but "split left/right" which makes a new pane to the right of your current session always opens to the wrong directory. Not sure what's different about that process compared to opening a new tab or new set of split terminals.
  Thanks, I haven't discovered that yet and will look into it!

  R369 Yakuake


To: muesli, hein, #yakuake, #konsole, tcanabrava, hindenburg
Cc: mweepigeon, ryanmccoskrie
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