D21796: Redo update website

Carl Schwan noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Jun 22 11:55:16 BST 2019

ognarb added a comment.

  In D21796#480325 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D21796#480325>, @bcooksley wrote:
  > That message was occurring because your Gemfile specified an exact version of Jekyll, which i've now fixed.
  >  While this has allowed the generation to proceed further, unfortunately it still fails due to encoding issues.
  > https://binary-factory.kde.org/job/Website_konsole-kde-org/6/console
  Ok, I published a new version of jekyll-kde-theme. This should fix the encoding issues. The docker image need to be rebuilded to fetch the new version of the theme and the ci job need to be restarted. Hope this is the last issue.

  R935 Konsole Website


To: ognarb, hindenburg
Cc: bcooksley, konsole-devel, fbampaloukas, thsurrel, ngraham, maximilianocuria, hindenburg
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