D17244: Edit Profile Dialog UI redesign

Kurt Hindenburg noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Feb 26 13:20:47 GMT 2019

hindenburg added inline comments.


> mglb wrote in EditProfileDialog.cpp:222
> IIRC to make text inputs in "tab titles" a bit wider by default.
> I got 553x585px with Noto Sans Display 8pt at 96dpi, and 902x742px with 15pt. Did you get something bigger, or those values are too big?

I'm testing on a non-plasma desktop (xfce) w/ 800x600 dimensions; without the resize, the dialog is small enough to be seen (725x560); with the resize, the height is around 560 and right side is cut off 10 pixels.

  R319 Konsole


To: mglb, #konsole, #vdg, ngraham, hindenburg
Cc: emateli, loh.tar, hein, mart, hindenburg, rizzitello, abetts, ngraham, konsole-devel, gennad, maciejn, thsurrel, maximilianocuria
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