D23146: Do not ask to close current tab with running process if it is the only tab

Andrey Yashkin noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Aug 14 15:34:04 BST 2019

AndreyYashkin added a comment.

  In D23146#511783 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D23146#511783>, @ngraham wrote:
  > Hmm, can you explain why you think this is an improvement? To me it seems sensible enough to warn people that closing a tab (even if it's the only tab) will kill the running program.
  Sorry. Probably, I didn't explain my idea clear enough. When you close konsole with the running program the warning dialog gives you 3 options: "Close Window", "Close Current Tab", "Cancel". If there is only one tab, than the option "Close Current Tab" is equal to "Close Window". So we have 2 options to close konsole. My patch leaves only  "Close Window" and "Cancel" for that case.

  R319 Konsole


To: AndreyYashkin, #konsole
Cc: ngraham, konsole-devel, fbampaloukas, thsurrel, maximilianocuria, hindenburg
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