[Konsole-devel] tag v4.6.1 missing

Andreas Amann a.amann at ucc.ie
Mon Mar 21 20:06:15 UTC 2011

Hi konsole developers,

I have successfully cloned the konsole git repository using 

$ git clone git://anongit.kde.org/konsole

Now I would like to simply checkout the version which was released with
kde-4.6.1. However I do not find the corresponding tag, i.e. the command

$ git tag

lists many tags like v4.6.0, v4.5.95 etc, but 
v4.6.1 is nowhere to be found. 


$ git branch -a

does not show any branch which would be related to v4.6.1 specifically.
I might me missing the obvious, but it is not clear to me which commit
corresponds to what has been shipped with kde-4.6.1. Could anybody help?


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