[Konsole-devel] How to disable konsole alternate screen switching; how to set TERM

Waldo Bastian bastian at kde.org
Tue Sep 30 09:33:54 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 26 September 2003 23:54, Mario T. DeFazio wrote:
> I apologize if this question has been asked/answered before,
> but I can assure you I have spent hours today searching my system docs,
> Google, kde.org, and mailing list archives for an answer without success.
> My system is Red Hat Linux 7.2 (fully up2dated) with KDE 2.2.2-9 and
> konsole 1.0.2
> When using a curses-aware program like vi or less in a konsole window,
> konsole (and xterm) saves the current window contents, and displays the
> output of less or vi in an alternate screen buffer.  When the program
> exits, konsole restores the saved window contents, thus "erasing" whatever
> less or more had been displaying.
> With xterm, this behavior can be disabled by setting the X resource
> XTerm*VT100*titeInhibit to 'true'.
> How can I disable this behavior for konsole?

Konsole has no option for that. You may want to add the -X option to $LESS 
though, no idea if vi has such an option as well.

> I've tried setting konsole#titeInhibit as an X resource but it's useless.
> On a related matter, is it possible to tell konsole to set $TERM
> to something other than 'xterm'?

Yes, you can add "Term=somethingelse" to the .desktop files that describe the 
various sessions.

- -- 
bastian at kde.org -=|[ SuSE, The Linux Desktop Experts ]|=- bastian at suse.com
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