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<p><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">I have been using
KMyMoney for three months now and mostly like the program.
However, the program seems to have problems which is making me
reconsider my decision to use the software. I was wondering if
I could put my thoughts here and perhaps get some information on
how to overcome these issues and gain some insight into whether
these problems will be addressed in the near future.<br>
<p><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">The budgeting module
could really use some improvements. First, the user interface is
not consistent with the rest of the program. The buttons in the
ledger entry have both an icon and descriptive text yet in the
budgeting section there is cryptic text only on the buttons. For
example, in budgeting you have upd and res. I guess upd stands
for update and res for restore. However, the tool tip text uses
"accept ..." and "Revert ...". Likewise the buttons to Rename
and Delete budgets are labelled "Ren" and "Del". The icons for
New, Ren, Del are exactly the same. Given the size of these
buttons, this abbreviating is unnecessary. <br>
<p><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">My view is that dialog
boxes are user unfriendly. The number of confirmations required
to update the budget is excessive.</font></p>
<p><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">Finally, the biggest
problem I have is not being able to budget for movements to
other accounts. My income comes from repayment of a loan I made
to a company. Like most families, I would like to budget for
monthly movements to savings, retirement investment accounts and
things like auto loans. Not being able to do this is a real
hindrance to using budgeting. I find that I have to download
budget reports to spreadsheets to add these budgeted movements
to the existing budgets. A bit of googling shows requests for
being able to budget for transfers goes back 12 years.</font></p>
<p>It's a pity that there are these problems which makes the
budgeting seem unfinished. I really like the rest of the program
and I am grateful for all the volunteer effort which has gone into
making this open source product. But, if there are no plans to
improve the budgeting section, I will have to find another