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If this is possible, this should be an easy one for the programmers... I am using MySQL databases with KMM 5.0.5, and I currently opening them by launching KMM, and selecting the desired DB in the recent files menu. This pre-populates the DB opening dialog box, and only have to enter the DB password.<br>
I'd like to be able to open a DB directly by calling KMM from the shell, something like:<br>
kmymoney sql://database-username@database-server/database-name?driver=QMYSQLsecure=yes'<br>
but when I try this, I get:<br>
<p style="margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">"Qt SQL driver QMYSQLsecure=yes is no longer installed on your system"<br>
I think its because the "secure=yes" is concatenated to "driver=QMYSQL" and the Qt DB driver doesnt like that...<br>
My goal is to create desktop shortcuts for each DB. Once clicked, it would reproduce selecting the DB in KMM's recent items menu.<br>
<div>Louis-Philippe Allard<br>
<a href="mailto:lp.allard.1@gmail.com">lp.allard.1@gmail.com</a><br>
Sent using Horde Groupware on GNU/Linux</div>