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<pre class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Traduzione">Hi everyone, thank you very much indeed for what you are doing for me.<br>I confirm that the file is on local hard disk and I really have no idea<br>of other programs that may have modified it. <br>Unfortunately I don't have back-up files and I use the "WINDOWS 10 HOME"<br>platform. <br>Do you have any other hint?<br>Thanks again<br>Enzo<br><br><br></pre>
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Il 15 marzo 2020 alle 16.46 Thomas Baumgart <
<a href="mailto:thb@net-bembel.de">thb@net-bembel.de</a>> ha scritto:
On Sonntag, 15. März 2020 15:18:20 CET Jack wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
The .kmy file Enzo sent me directly is not zero length, it is 12230
bytes long, but all byte values are zero. I know it doesn't help him,
but I wonder if it gives any hint what the problem might be.
It certainly gives me the feeling that this file was not written KMyMoney.
Could it be, that some other program stepped on it by accident? It looks more
like a 'wipe to zero for security' feature.
<blockquote type="cite">
Enzo - can you confirm the directory where you saved the .kmy file is
just a local hard disk, and not a network share or something else?
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On 3/15/20 6:47 AM, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
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Koos et al.
<blockquote type="cite">
I don't speak Italian at all but I interpret Enzo's mail that he is on Windows and
does not have 'od'. In case he does not have a backup and the current file is of
length zero there is not much one can do :(
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<blockquote type="cite">
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On Sonntag, 15. März 2020 07:31:34 CET Koos Pol wrote:
>> Buongiorno Enzo,
>> Sai questa e una mailing lista in inglese. Sara meglio che *tu* usi
>> Google Translate invece noi. Okay?
>> Se continui scrivere in italiano le persone ti ignoreranno.
>> Back to your question:
>> If you don't have a backup, "od" will not be of much use, as you have no
>> older files to use it with.
>> Otherwise you would be able to determine when the error first occurred.
>> BTW, "od" is part of CoreUtils.
>> Saluti,
>> Koos
>> Op 14-03-2020 om 20:09 schreef
<a href="mailto:enzo.montanari@libero.it">enzo.montanari@libero.it</a>:
>>> Grazie Jack
>>> Purtroppo non ho un backup...
>>> Ho provato a lanciare il comando "od -c ENZO2020.kmy" ma non funziona su WINDOWS 10... Forse è un comando LINUX ?
>>> Qual è il comando per WINDOWS ?
>>>> Il 14 marzo 2020 alle 17.09 Jack <
<a href="mailto:ostroffjh@users.sourceforge.net">ostroffjh@users.sourceforge.net</a>> ha scritto:
>>>> Enzo,
>>>> I'm also including the mailing list, which is a better place for this
>>>> type of discussion, so when a solution is found, others will also be
>>>> able to find it in the future.
>>>> The .kmy file you sent has only zero bytes in it (each byte is 0x00) so
>>>> there was a problem at some point saving the file. (you can do "od -c
>>>> ENZO2020.kmy) Do you have any backup files? KMyMoney usually keeps up
>>>> to 10 backups of the file named ENZO2020.kmy.X~ where X goes from 1 to
>>>> 10. See if any are different from the file you sent. You can then
>>>> either open that file directly with KMyMoney or rename it first.
>>>> Jack
>>>> On 3/14/20 6:56 AM,
<a href="mailto:enzo.montanari@libero.it">enzo.montanari@libero.it</a> wrote:
>>>>> Buongiorno Jack, si ho ancora bisogno di aiuto.
>>>>> Non riuscendo più ad aprire il file l'ho abbandonato e ne ho creato uno nuovo.
>>>>> Purtroppo dopo un mese di utilizzo anche il nuovo file ha avuto lo stesso problema e non riesco più ad aprirlo.
>>>>> Al momento sto usando la versione 4.8.3, non so quale fosse la vecchia versione.
>>>>> Uso la piattaforma WINDOWS 10 HOME.
>>>>> Questo è l'errore che compare quando cerco di aprire il file:
>>>>> "Il file C:/Users/UTENTE/ENZO2020.kmy contiene il vecchio formato binario usato da KMyMoney. Utilizza una versione di KMyMoney più vecchia (0.8.x) che ancora supporta questo formato per convertirla al nuovo formato basato su XML."
>>>>> Allego il file che non riesco più ad aprire.
>>>>> Grazie per il supporto.
>>>>> Enzo
>>>>>> Il 26 febbraio 2020 alle 21.51 Jack <
<a href="mailto:ostroffjh@users.sourceforge.net">ostroffjh@users.sourceforge.net</a>> ha scritto:
>>>>>> On 2020.02.08 09:11, Jack wrote:
>>>>>>> On 2/8/20 3:19 AM,
<a href="mailto:enzo.montanari@libero.it">enzo.montanari@libero.it</a> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Buongiorno, la versione aggiornata non legge più il mio file .kmy
>>>>>>>> Come posso recuperarlo e utilizzarlo con la nuova versione?
>>>>>>>> Grazie
>>>>>>> From Google Translate: Hi, the updated version no longer reads my
>>>>>>> .kmy file. How can I recover it and use it with the new version?
>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>> It depends on what the problem is. What are the old and new
>>>>>>> versions? What platform are you using (Linux, Windows, ...?) Is
>>>>>>> there any error message? Can you run from the console, in case there
>>>>>>> is more information displayed that way?
>>>>>>> Without knowing more, we don't know if the problem is accessing the
>>>>>>> file (network issue,) actually reading the file (corruption,) or some
>>>>>>> difference in the versions. The last is not very likely; I don't
>>>>>>> think there have been any changes to the internal format of the .kmy
>>>>>>> file in a long time.
>>>>>>> Jack
>>>>>> Enzo,
>>>>>> I don't know if you saw my reply, in case you are not subscribed to the
>>>>>> list.
>>>>>> Please respond back to the list if you still need help.
>>>>>> Jack
Thomas Baumgart
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