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Hi all!<br>
I am using various currencies next to my base currency which is the
When setting up a budget all native currencies are nicely converted
to the base currency and shown as such.<br>
In Report Configuration the option "Convert values to base currency"
is activated in the tab "Report".<br>
The other two options are left not ticked.<br>
The Budget Report looks as it should, i. e. all currencies are
correctly converted and shown.<br>
However, if "Skip value if price is zero" is also activated, native
currencies are NOT converted and I turn from pensioner to
billionaire the very moment I hit ENTER (1 IDR becomes 1 EURO
whereas it should be only 0,00008... Euro)<br>
This is not what I expected to see unless I completely misinterpret
the meaning of "Skip value if price is zero".<br>
Then, what the heck is meant by "price"?<br>
Do we perhaps have a bug here?<br>
Cheers everybody!<br>
Oh, I am using KMM 4.6.3 under KDE 4.10.2<br>
<hr size="2" width="100%">Michael Berger, Dipl. Ing.<br>
Im Borngrund 7a<br>
D-35606 Solms<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:idest@online.de">idest@online.de</a><br>
Fon: 0049 6442 706509, -10<br>
Fax: 0049 32121247536<br>
<img alt="" src="cid:part2.09050802.00070704@online.de" height="56"
width="100"> <br>