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Hi all!<br />
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I have recently purchased a car and the contract I got was a monthly payment with no interests. Obviously, the contract has a fixed duration and the payments are all the same except the last one which is a bit less (balloon payment).<br />
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This loan is for a car so unlike a mortgage, the money spent (the monthly payments) are NOT to be <span class="spellcheckCorrected" index="0">transferred</span> to the asset (the car) because its not true the car will gain value <span class="spellcheckCorrected" index="1">over</span> time (I wish!!!)... SO basically, its like a rental (the way it mathematically works) in the sense that for a certain monthly amount, I keep using the car until the balance is $0. Its also technically NOT a loan since I did not borrow money to buy it.<br />
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So what would be the best way to accurately represent this scenario in KMM?? I tried a load with the load wizard, entering a 0% interest rate, but KMM freaks out on the scheduled transaction created by the loan wizard and says:<br />
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"The transaction has a missing assignment of $99,568,234,215,235,214.22"<br />
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If anyone has a good idea how to model this, please share. In the meantime, I am thinking about just a scheduled transaction with 60 payments.<br />
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That'd be simple enough. Better??<br />
Thanks!!<br />
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Louis-Philippe Allard<br />
<a href="mailto:lp.allard.1@gmail.com">lp.allard.1@gmail.com</a><br />
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