Unable to close a Share/Equity account

Michael Calder michaelcalder at iinet.net.au
Fri Nov 17 05:39:10 GMT 2023

G'day Thomas,

	I have a similar problem to that in KMyMoney Digest, Vol 155, Issue 1 - "delete loan account (Jochen)"
Since 2010 I handled Investments without problems, except for the recent Online "yahoo" one which is currently OK.
My current Investments show 23 Equity accounts of which 9 were closed without problems.
	I recently sold all shares in an equity which had been SPLIT (consolidated) on a 1 for 3 basis on 18/2/11.
The original holding was 1802 which resulted in 601 being sold at 5.85 each BUT! The Investments view showed
a "residual" Value of -$1.95 with Quantity 0 and Price $5.80. As expected I cannot "Close account" as the value is not zero.
	Examining the figures 1.95/5.85 is 0.3333333 and the problem stems from the 1 for 3 consolidation back in 18/2/2011.
I have tried a "fiddle" by increasing the original 1802 to 1803 and this results in the Value changing to the desired $0.00
but "Close account" remains greyed out.
	How do I find "a copy of your data file"?



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Michael Calder
73/81 Willandra Road
Narraweena, 2099
m: 0401 478 551
p: (02) 9981 6327

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