Tags in reports

Louis-Philippe Allard lp.allard.1 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 21:48:33 GMT 2022

Hello Thomas,

I am pretty sure I already asked in the past but I cannot find traces  
if I did or not.  I am doing some projects on my home and I am  
entering a lot of transactions in KMM under many different categories.

For my reporting and government subsidies, I have created tags to  
assign to transactions and be able to use them for reporting.

It seems that if I assign a tag to a standalone transaction, it shows  
up in the reports and in the tags section of the program, but any  
split transactions will not show up anywhere....

Other than creating multiple transactions out of a split ttransaction,  
is there a workaround for this to work?  IMO tags are really useful  
for grouping transactions together, ex. projects or anything like  

  Louis-Philippe Allard
lp.allard.1 at gmail.com
Sent using Horde Groupware on GNU/Linux
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