Report showing exchange rates

timothyp egroegboyle at
Thu Jun 24 14:11:56 BST 2021


Is there any way to get specified exchange rates in a report?
I can not find a report that does this and trying various work-arounds
has not been successful. This is for a cheque/savings account btw.

By generating two net worth reports the foreign and local balances can 
be obtained
and the exchange rate calculated, but this is messy and laborious.

I am reading these reports into a programme for further processing and 
Ideally i would like a single report that gives : Account name; Symbol 
if any; Holdings; Price; Balance,
of all accounts including investments. The price of the foreign accounts 
would be the exchange rate.

Perhaps there is already such a report if the correct options are 
specified, but so far I have not
found one.

Advice or help would be appreciated.


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