regex to fetch price and date

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Sat Sep 5 16:31:03 BST 2020

On Samstag, 5. September 2020 17:05:40 CEST Franco Martelli wrote:

> Sorry, the right web page address is:

OK, let's give it a try:

The date can be found in the following construct:

  <div class="mb10">Quote dei fondi Consultinvest Asset Management SGR al <b>02/09/2020</b><input id="sdinput" n

so the date regex would be:

    al <b>\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}</b>

you may replace the '\' with a dot which would allow 'any' character in that position. But the bold start and
end tag have to be part of the regex.

The price is a lot more complex as it is spread over multiple lines.

		<td>Consultinvest Mosaico - Fondo Etico classe C</td>
		<td class="text-right">4,984</td>

and I am not sure if KMyMoney does support that. You could try:


to include the line breaks. An important setting is the mark the "Skip HTML stripping".

This also only works for that one investment since this page provides multiple. I will
add a feature request to allow the identifier to be part of the regex for such cases.

Hope that helps.



Thomas Baumgart       Signal, the better WhatsApp
Ilde servers are the devil's work -- robbyoconnor on #irc

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