[Kmymoney] Payees/Payers

Jack ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 22 22:45:29 UTC 2012

I agree with 1 and 2.  However, 3 depends on what accounts you are  
using.  If you have a cash account and a bank account, then when  
someone purchases eggs, that is recorded as a deposit from that payee  
(person or store) into the cash account for the "egg sales" category.   
The cash account represents the money in the cash-box at home (or  
wherever you keep it when you sell the eggs.)  When you deposit money  
from the cash box into the bank, that is just a transfer from the cash  
account to the bank account.  You do not need a payee or a category for  
that transaction.

Please ask for more detail if this does not make sense to you or you  
have any more questions.


On 2012.02.22 17:33, Zed wrote:
> Using KMyMoney, v4.5.3 on LMDE (LimuxMintDebian Edition)
> One of my activities is selling free range eggs, both to individuals  
> and
> retail shops  What is the best way to record sales, so that at the  
> end of
> the accounting period I know what each customer purchased.
> Here is what I think would work, but it would be nice to have  
> confirmation
> that I am on the right track.
> (1) In Income I have set up a category "Egg Sales"
> (2) When eggs are sold to a person/retail establishment I create a  
> "Payer"
> (they are all cash sales) and enter the amount.
> (3) When I bank the money I credit the bank account and debit "Egg  
> Sales"
> Regards from New Zealand
> Zed
> --
> Zed
> Diplomacy: Saying 'nice doggy'... until you find a rock
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