Hello,<br>as of now I don't think there are big issues pending for a release.<br><br>- We need more testing of the AqBanking plugin port<br>- GPG encryption is pending (Let us know if we can help with it)<br>- There are still several places where the port has not been ported<br>
- We need to get a hold of the splash screen .svg file, for translation and to change the version number to 3.95 (which would be the official version number for the release)<br><br>Those of you looking for something to do, there are still Krazy warnings to fix. (They are down to 450, from about 1600 when we just started!)<br>
<br>You can also grep the code for "//FIXME: Port to kde4". That's a tag we used for stuff that we couldn't port at first, but probably it will be a lot easier now.<br><br>Keep in mind that before releasing a beta, we have to declare at least a 2-week string freeze, for the translator to catch up with recent changes.<br>