Hello all,<br><br>just to follow the original mail from Cristian about KMyMoney on Windows, I would like to say I'm currently "using" it with Mac OSX 10.6 (only screens "Home", "Ledgers" and "Schedules").<br>
<br>Regarding the AqBanking plugin, the version currently provided by MacPorts seems to be too old (CMake complains about that). Is there anyone owning an OSX and using AqBanking with KMM (I never used it and I'm not sure my bank is compatible, so it would be difficult for me to test it)<br clear="all">
<br>Right now a patch is used to compile successfully :<br>- OSX linker does'nt support --no-undefined<br>- there is a linkage problem with QtSQL (already fixed for the Windows port ?)<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Michaël Lhomme<br>