<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>Hi,<br><br></div>I know most of us tweak krita's interface to adapt to our workflows. And the good thing about the workspaces is that it can be adapted to many "tasks". This is great, but it can take a while to new users to start moving dockers freely as it gives the impression you will end up hiding something important.<br>
<br></div>Some of the problems with current bundled workspaces is that they fail to show the user how great and diverse the workspaces can be set up to work in Krita.<br><br></div>I attach a tar with some of the workspaces I've setup for my use. I''m not sure how they will work in other screen sizes and/or if they include common workflow needs (For example I normally hide presets docker as I use the popup from the top). But they are bit more diverse and could help get some ideas to setup new ones.<br>
<br></div>They include a Painting workspace (left and right), a composite, a shape editor, a compact (sort of compact) and one revolving the idea of the reference docker.<br><div><div><br>Share some of yours. The idea is to find better default workspaces with a few task oriented ones that help new users get the idea of using workspaces to fasten the production of their work.<br>
<br></div><div>You could of course use the ones attached, but I'm not sure they will work on every screen.<br></div><div><br><br></div><div>-IvanYossi-<br></div><div><br><br></div></div></div>