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Hi Krita development team,<br>
i like to add a new filter plugin into Krita. Basically, it is a
desaturation filter which preserves luminance information<br>
when converting from rgb to grayscale. The algorithm constists of a
simple linear combination of the rgb values<br>
in order to derive the gray value.<br>
As a quick (and dirty) feasibility study, i altered the source file
<i>LcmsColorSpace.h</i> by overwriting the method call<br>
<i>cmsDoTransform(cmstransform, const_cast<quint8 *>(src),
dst, nPixels);</i><br>
inside the method <i>transform</i> in struct <i>KoLcmsColorTransformation</i>.<br>
While this works and changes the color of the image in the way it
supposed to, of course it is far from being<br>
an incorporation of a new filter plugin into Krita.<br>
how do i add a new filter plugin into Krita the right way?<br>
Is there any documentation which explains how to write a filter
plugin? (I found only one <i>Developing Krita Plugins</i>,<br>
but it seems way out of date.)<br>
Thanks and best regards<br>