Great job! I agree with your statements, but I have something to add.<br><br>My notes:<br>1. Some interactions with canvas, especially rotation needs reset option.<br> I would see this in Modifier + Mouse way, maybe Shift + Right Mouse?<br>
2. Zooming. I like a idea of using mouse + modifiers for zooming,<br> it's less distracting that moving my hand to some buttons.<br> The problem with zooming with digital painting is that user not always <br> need fine tune zooming. Constant steps for zooming are sometimes much<br>
more useful because it helps eliminate zooming artefacts for antialiasting.<br> Also, working with fixed sizes of canvas like 100%, 50%, 25%, 13% <br> may be more comfortable for some Artists.<br> So there should be a way to use fine tune zooming or step zooming<br>
with m+mouse, maybe as an option in preferences?<br>3. What about Clone Brush?<br>4. Now, next important topic. <br> Should we consider Assistants as part of Canvas operations, interaction?<br> It's a bit like a bunch of rulers and piece of paper. What I do with canvas<br>
affects the painting process, the same rulers. Currently using Assistants <br> as Tools is not encouraging for users. I think making them part of the<br> Canvas interaction, like a Mode, will be more useful for users.<br>
<br>Ad. 4. <br>If YES, then:<br>Current interactions works like this:<br>- select Assistants Tool<br>- create Assistants<br>- select Drawing Tool<br>- turn ON using Assistants<br>- do the work<br>- turn OFF using Assistants for some editing without them<br>
- turn ON again<br>- ... repeat above several times<br>- select Assistants Tool<br>- Destroy Each Assistant because they are distraction<br>- select Drawing Tool<br>- ... repeat above<br><br>We have few loops, users don't like to repeat the same boring, non productive, actions.<br>
<br>My proposed interaction:<br><br>- select Assistants Tool<br>
- create Assistants<br>
- select Drawing Tool<br>
- use Drawing Tool, but to interact with Assistants hold ALT (example)<br>
- do the work<br>
- when not needed turn OFF Mode and Display, with Q-key (example), <br> this will hide assistants but not destroy them<br>- do the work<br>
- turn ON Assistant mode again<br>
- edit them using, assistant editing mode CTRL + ALT + mouse (example)<br>
- when not needed turn OFF Assistant Mode again, to hide them<br><br>My method probably needs more work, but as You can see it's less destructive workflow..<br><br>User can, use Assistants when he wants, display them when he wants and <br>
edit them, at the same time when using them.<br><br>User doesn't have to, destroy Assistants to hide them and recreate each time, <br>specify when he wants to use them and when not.<br><br><br>You asked about Mirror Axis, in my opinion it's Canvas interaction and should be treated like one, <br>
but it's not very often edited option. Maybe make it 3th party member and move it to <br>SOME MODIFIER + Right Click?<br>I could see workflows when often edited mirror axis would be useful but it's still no so often <br>
that it needs left click.<br>