Hello, everyone!<br><br>My name is Joe Simon and I am a CS student living in California, USA. <br><br>I have been developing a library that aims to provide printer color management capability to KDE applications, called <a href="http://www.oyranos.org/wiki/index.php?title=LibCmpx">libCmpx</a>. The work contained inside this library is based off of the OpenICC/OpenPrinting discussions of last year's Google Summer of Code, in which a <a href="http://www.oyranos.org/2012/02/linux-printing/">model</a> for color-managed printing had surfaced. With some modifications to the print dialog code of Krita, it should not be too hard to integrate libCmpx, which will allow Krita users - both those who understand color management and those who do not - the benefit of using color-managed printing.<br>
<br>I am actually representing the OpenICC organization for this year's Google Summer of Code project, with <span class="gD">Kai-Uwe Behrmann as my mentor. However, I am excited to also work alongside KDE/Krita for the summer!<br>
<br>Joe Simon<br></span>