Hello everyone!<br><br>I've had this idea for a sand painting brush last year but I didn't know how to<br>develop the idea. The brush would add "sand" in the canvas like <a href="http://thisissand.com/" target="_blank">this site</a> does but instead <br>
of drop in the base of the screen, it would throw it in the 2D plane of the canvas where the <br>mouse is and then the user would spread the sand through the plane like <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIOsIbqpR5s" target="_blank">this</a> sand <br>
painting video, but mixing the colors in the channels in a fuzzy way.<br><br>I had ask some tips from one of my teachers here in my university, which worked in a sand <br>shading using GLSL. He told me that I would work with particles in the canvas.<br>
I'm still waiting for some material of his to get more deep in the theory needed to do it, <div>although I couldn't find any in the internet.<br><br>I wanted to contribute for a long time and I really think this would<br>
be a nice feature to Krita, although I don't know how to do it yet. I'm eager to <br>do the job and I'm searching some papers about this type of effect.<br><br>Anyway, do you guys like the idea? It's worth a GSoC project?<br>
<br>Att.<br><br>-- <br>____________________________________________________________________________<br>Francisco Fernandes (AKA: Chicao)<br>..........................................................................................<br>
Blog: <a href="http://pedepinico.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://pedepinico.blogspot.com</a><br>Identi.ca: <a href="http://identi.ca/chicao" target="_blank">http://identi.ca/chicao</a><br>Twitter: <a href="http://twitter.com/__chicao" target="_blank">http://twitter.com/__chicao</a><br>
..........................................................................................<br>"Quem de boa vontade carrega o difícil, também carrega o menos difícil..." Lao Tsé - Tao Te Ching</div>