Hi, All!<br><br>I've just pushed the preliminary version of the new stroke-based freehand tool (Brush Tool). You can test it and say what you think about it! =)<br><br>Improvements:<br>1) Responsiveness of the brush became higher, because the number of threads is optimal now.<br>
2) The brush does not hang up in the end of every stroke.<br>3) You can start a new stroke even when the previous one has not finished processing yet! This has never been possible before!<br><br>Question for artists:<br>If you try to paint with a big brush, you can see that the tip of the stroke is a bit blocky while painting. This happens because the painting and updating the image is done in parallel. Is this "blockyness" ok, or I should avoid this?<br>
<br>How to test:<br>This code is in a branch right now, so if you want to test you should switch there. This can be done with a simple command:<br><br>git checkout origin/krita_strokes_framework_kazakov<br clear="all"><br>
and then build as usual<br><br>-- <br>Dmitry Kazakov<br>