<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Hi everyone,<br><br>In the future, on the Krita's web-page, it might be interesting to have a poll about the most preferred Linux Graphical Deskop for running Krita.<br>Naturally, with NO intention to start a flame among users :-)<br><br>I am thinking about something like that:<br>- What Linux distribution do you use for running Krita?<br>- Which Graphical Desktop have you picked (Gnome, Kde, Unity, Xfce etc)?<br><br>Maybe many users prefer to use Gnome instead of Kde because they come from Windows.<br>On Windows, very likely, they have tried at least Gimp.<br>When they try Linux for the first time often these new users start with Ubuntu (or something "similar" e.g. Mint).<br>Since Ubuntu, in the past, was based primarily on Gnome this might explain their "choice".<br>As of now, with Unity on Ubuntu Natty everything has changed...<br><br>BTW, It looks like
most of the principal graphical applications for handling pictures have been written using Gtk.<br>For instance: Gimp, Hugin, RawTherapee, CinePaint and so forth.<br>Hence the outcome for both artists and users to "enjoy" more the Gnome desktop.<br>
Perhaps, *but* this is a wild guess, it might be they feel more at home on Gnome :-)<br><br><br>Best regards,<br><br>Silvio Grosso</td></tr></table>