Hi there,<br><br>I've found that Krita is working with floating point image formats, I was amazed it does it in a true linear space with a tone mapping to see it on computer display (that's a good point).<br><br> * But I was surprised when I see that numbers in color selector are still like I work with 8-bit image,
i.e. integer 0-255 range, without any ability to move out of that range...<br>I was expected to see there something like 0.0-1.0 floating point range, with ability to set values more then that, like 2.50, 3.12, 10.85 etc.. Is that planned to change in a future releases?
<br><br> * Also, some susggestions about tonemapping (exposure and gamma control) - It should apply to every color we see in Krita, at least for every color that interacts with the image is beeing edited. For example, if I paint something in out-of-the-range region (like in
2.0-4.0), I prefer to set exposure to -2..-3 f-stops, and I expect exposure to be applied not only in the main image area, but also in color selector area, in all plugins preview areas and so on.<br><br>--<br>WBW, Mike<br>
<br>P.S. I am working as a technical director in a company that produces visual effects for a movies, and we are glad to see Krita advances in a directions we really need (floating point image editor working in a linear space). So please keep up good work, and we will try to help you as much as we can.