Krita Commitment to Empowering Human Artists (CEHA)

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at
Sun Feb 18 15:25:03 GMT 2024

On Sun, 18 Feb 2024 08:16:00 +0100
Tymon Dąbrowski <tamtamy.tymona at> wrote:

> 2b) *Automatic inking/lineart*. Suggested by me. From the user point of
> view, they'd have a pencil-like sketch, and AI would generate lineart. Of
> course it wouldn't fix all the little issues artists are often fixing
> during inking, but it should greatly shorten the time of the repeatable
> work. Link:
> Note that the original article only creates fineliner lineart from pencil
> sketches. I am kind of thinking of making it more universal, allowing for
> more styles.

I would certainly love that. Though there is huge variation in how
close pencils and inking are. For example, one mangaka stated that he
keeps his pencils rough to not just trace when inking, as otherwise he
gets bored and ends up with “dead” lines.

A related idea: taking in line-art and generating all the flat color
fills (ideally handling gaps like a human would).

Thorsten Wilms <t_w_ at>

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