Krita Commitment to Empowering Human Artists (CEHA)

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at
Fri Feb 16 09:07:04 GMT 2024

On Thu, 15 Feb 2024 20:36:45 -0800


To add a different perspective, if I may:

Drawing used to be my hobby (still is to a lesser extent). Now it’s
part of the toolbox that I earn money with. Because of this, I am
somewhat torn, but can’t afford ideology over pragmatism.

I am not happy about the devaluation (both senses) of art due to the
arrival of ML image generators. But I do see a parallel between a human
learning from the work of others and ML training. It is not the same as
flat out copyright infringement (unless a work is actually reproduced),
though it could be judged a different kind of infringement.

Now if the forces in favor of banning this kind of use succeed, the
likely outcome is that there will be nothing like Stable Diffusion any
more, free, available to everyone. There will still be commercial
generators from the few big corporations that can afford large content
libraries. It could well make it impossible to work on a professional
level with Libre Software tools (for all but a selected few with the
most discerning clients).

Regarding the CEHA, on the side of to be expected actual outcomes, I
don’t see anything empowering here. Only that Krita will be a less
capable tool.

Thorsten Wilms <t_w_ at>

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