Volunteer to add Wayland support to Krita

Boudewijn Rempt boud at valdyas.org
Fri Jan 24 08:31:46 GMT 2020

On donderdag 23 januari 2020 23:31:12 CET Christopher Nugent wrote:
> Hey, all. My name is skymage23, and I am interested in helping to add
> Wayland support to Krita. The reason is that I need Krita in a primarily
> Wayland environment (Chromium OS).
> After reading the documentation and learning the build and test procedures,
> my plan is to firstly, get Krita working on Chromium OS natively (No
> Crostini and no Crouton), and
> then to do likewise with GNOME. 

There are a few places where Krita still has some defines for checking whether it runs on X11. Those probably should be your first focus.

> I understand that the Krita community is
> hesitant to add Wayland support until KWin has proper tablet support, but I
> would hope that my
> own changes could be kept in separate branch until such time, when we (or
> I) can add testing and support for KWin.

There are two parts to this problem: the first is tablet support in Qt itself. Until recently, we had our own tablet code for X11 and Windows in Krita, but that's no longer used. I didn't really check recently whether Qt was adding tablet support for Wayland already, so that needs investigation.

Coincidentally, I just got mail from Aleix Pol asking me for test devices because he's working on wacom tablet support in kwin-wayland, so that might be pretty close!

> With that said, I look forward to your feedback.

Please join us on irc if you have questions (#krita), get an invent.kde.org account and fork Krita and hack on it! Your work is _really_ welcome!


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