Krita wacom settings.

Simon Legrand legrand.simon at
Mon Apr 1 22:14:45 UTC 2013

Do any of you guys know any workarounds other than hardware? It's making it
quite difficult to work with Krita. My setup works perfectly with every
other application, including Nuke, Houdini, Maya, Gimp, Photoshop CS2 on
wine, Mypaint, Zbrush on wine, ect... Is there anything I can do to,
for example  ask QT nicely not to manage my Wacom? Sorry if this is not
directly Krita related, but I figured you guys would have much
more knowledge than me for this, and the QT forums will probably bump me
back to Krita anyway, right?

Also this is for personal work and not related to Krita-Studio. Studio
setups are usually much more straight forward.

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 7:57 PM, Simon Legrand <legrand.simon at>wrote:

> Ah cool! Thanks for the links. So It's a QT issue. I thought so. Boudj
> told me that QT might be dropping wacom support soon, so maybe this issue
> will be resolved with whatever solution he and the others come up with. :)
> On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 7:20 PM, David Revoy <davidrevoy at> wrote:
>> Hey Simon,
>> I had same issue in 2011, you can read more about here
>> the bug is marked as  RESOLVED
>> UPSTREAM but everthing still bug the same )
>> Also, this bug is made of
>> the same issue I think.
>> My old hacky workaround :
>> A USB hub with button to switch devices . So when I don't power the
>> Cintiq embeded tablet ; I power the Intuos....  : - /
>> ( full article :
>> )
>> I abandonned this setup because it was really a constrain : I had to run
>> manually a script ( xsetwacom ) each time I removed a tablet or added one.
>> And of course had to close all apps at the switch. Now I use Cintiq only
>> + external screen. But ... I don't like it. I miss a traditionnal tablet on
>> my desk on many situation.
>> I would be really happy if it could be fixed in Qt too.
>> Gimp and Mypaint behave ok with it.
>> -David
>> _____________________
>> 2013/3/31 Simon Legrand <legrand.simon at>
>>>  Hey guys, my home setup is a little unorthodox. I have a cintiq (1) as
>>> a left screen, a monitor as a right screen and an intuos (2) to cover the
>>> right screen only. As seen in the picture below.
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> This is my xsetwacom settings:
>>> #cintiq (1)
>>> #xsetwacom set "Wacom Cintiq 21UX stylus" TabletPCButton "off"
>>> xsetwacom set "Wacom Cintiq 21UX stylus" Button 2 3
>>> xsetwacom set "Wacom Cintiq 21UX stylus" Button 3 2
>>> xsetwacom set "Wacom Cintiq 21UX stylus" MapToOutput HEAD-0
>>> #intuos3 9x12 (2)
>>> xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos3 9x12 stylus" Button 2 3
>>> xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos3 9x12 stylus" Button 3 2
>>> xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos3 9x12 stylus" MapToOutput HEAD-1
>>> I basically source this and my setup is done. Nice and clean.
>>> The problem is, that Krita seems to not recognize the setup. the cursor
>>> hover over krita fine but as soon as i click on the canvas with any tool,
>>> my cursor gets offset as if krita assume both screens were covered by the
>>> intuos.
>>> On the cintiq (1) it works just fine however.
>>> Does Krita read its configuration from somewhere else that the global
>>> wacom settings?
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> --
> Simon Legrand

Simon Legrand
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