Krita demo at Digital Domain London was a success.

Simon Legrand legrand.simon at
Mon Jun 4 20:57:18 UTC 2012

Oh and I almost forgot the possibility for a rather non-linear workflow.
Filter layers, layer groups and a lot of the layer management features are

As VFX artists and TDs the more we can do non-linearly the happier we are.
The hard thing about what we do isn't creating cool 3D things, it's
implementing the Director's changes over and over again. For this we need
to 'bake' as little as possible of what we do. Hence the popular workflows
of packages like Nuke and Houdini and why packages like 3dsMax and After
Effects aren't really used in large studios.

On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 9:50 PM, Simon Legrand <legrand.simon at>wrote:

> The most successful aspect of it is that it seemed to be able to deal with
> pretty large images at high bit depth natively. The next thing was the
> familiar UI. People in my industry feel at home with QT as most of our
> vendors use it. Also Krita has a photoshop-esque design that made everyone
> feel comfortable. But it was the brush engine got the biggest wows.
> Of course it was merely a preliminary demo to see if artists were willing
> to put a bit of a 'bump' in their workflow (by using Krita instead of
> photoshop) for the greater good. Most were and by next week I have to have
> a 64bit version installed in our package manager. {Gulp}
> The best thing about it was that even artists with a windows machine and
> potatoshop installed in addition to their Linux box showed a definite
> interest in testing Krita. I was expecting to only win over the poor sods
> who only have access to Gimp, but it seemed to win over a lot more people
> than I expected.
> Photoshop has a lot of bells and whistles that we don't need in VFX, if
> Krita focuses on performance and scalability, it will take photoshop's cake
> in VFX quite easily I believe.
> On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 6:43 PM, Sven Langkamp <sven.langkamp at>wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 12:14 AM, Simon Legrand <legrand.simon at>wrote:
>>> Last Friday I ran a Krita demo at Digital Domain London which went
>>> amazingly well.
>>> The feedback from the artists was along the lines of: "Wow. I didn't
>>> realise it was going to be THAT good".
>> What feature was that? What were the favorites?
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Simon Legrand
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