Locking branch ready for testing

Sven Langkamp sven.langkamp at gmail.com
Sat Jul 7 22:29:17 UTC 2012


my locking branch krita_locking_langkamp is ready and could get some
testing now.

The branch does introduce a new beahavior for locking of layers. The
changes include:
- tools can be changed even if the active layer is locked/invisible, no
longer grayed out (unless it's a shape layer)
- cursor/brush outline is still shown when the layer is locked/invisible
- selections can be edited even if the current layer is locked, unless
there is a locked local selection
- if the user tries to paint on a locked layer, Krita will show a small

Known problems:
- notification isn't always at the right place

It would be nice if you could try the branch and check if find any problems
with it e.g. tools that paint on locked layers or something like that.

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