Add ICC Profile in open Desktop server -- Need to test the code

Srikanth Tiyyagura srikanth.tulasiram at
Tue Sep 20 02:54:06 UTC 2011

Hi all,

       Recently I added the code of GHNS for ICC Profiles. And also the
category is created in open desktop with name  " Krita ICC Profiles " . Now,
I need a profile in the server to test the functionality of the code. So,
please add a profile in the open desktop server.

       I already added a profile for testing but it is giving an error while
downloading. Previously also I faced the same problem, when I uploaded a
preset resource. At that time, Sven Langkamp uploaded a preset and it works
fine. ( May be the problem relates to the membership limitations) .

So please add a profile -- so that I can move forward in work

Srikanth Tiyyagura
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