Branch: krita-colorsmudge-silvioheinrich

Silvio Heinrich plassy at
Wed Mar 16 15:21:11 CET 2011

The new smudge brush is now in a separate plug-in.
I will merge the branch tomorrow if nobody has any problems with it :).

I made a new branch because I needed the Spacing option Cyrille made but 
didn't want to merge master into the branch.
I'ts really ugly to merge master into a feature branch (all commits 
regarding the feature will be scattered over history)
and i'ts not allowed to make a remote rebase, so I made a new branch :D

Well... if anyone has the rights to delete a branch, it would be nice if 
he/she could delete the krita-fixsmudgebrush-silvioheinrich branch
because i'ts now dead.

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