KOffice Creativity Package name

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Thu Nov 1 16:07:56 CET 2007


As was discussed in Berlin (right ?) and previously on Krita's mailing list 
[1]. We need a new name to a meta package holding our creativity application 
(Krita and Karbon). This is mostly a marketting issue, the main reason behind 
that is that the name "Office" is repelling to the artist communauty. But at 
the same time we definitively want to keep sharing as much as possible 
between "Office" application and "Creative" application. That would probably 
result in some changes in how tarball(s) are released and on the website 
organisation as well.

So to pick up a good new name for the suite, I suggest a name brain storming 
irc meeting (on #koffice-brainstorm on irc.freenode.net) on Sunday, 4 at 
14:00 (UTC, that makes 15:00 for continantal Europe).

Don't answer to that mail with ideas, but if you have some and can't attend 
the irc meeting, you can send me (privately) your ideas, and I will gladly 
submit them.

[1] http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-kimageshop&m=118966944104765&w=2 

Cyrille Berger

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