Krita and LAB

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Wed Mar 14 21:58:01 CET 2007

Cyrille Berger wrote:
>> Also I guess maybe converting to a different color space should offer to
>> flatten if needed (this sounded like such a case)?
> flatten should allways happen when the file format doesn't support multilayer 
> (some apps do warn about this, a disablable warning box might be a good idea, 
> even if I don't like them but as it is disablable I won't be bother 
> much :) ). 

Yeah, GIMP's noisiness is kinda annoying here. IMO "that Adobe product" 
did this the right way; there is an option in the 'Save As...' dialog to 
save *any* format flattened. When you select a format that doesn't 
support layers, the check box goes checked-and-disabled, so you have a 
visual but unobtrusive indicator. Maybe Krita could do something 
similar, or possibly you could display a message in the status bar after 
saving that the image was saved flattened.

Does saving flattened count as having saved against the 'modified' flag? 
In PS it doesn't, and I forget what GIMP does in this case.

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