Krita and LAB

Steve Thompson thompson4822 at
Wed Mar 14 21:34:42 CET 2007

Boudewijn -

On 3/14/07, Boudewijn Rempt <boud at> wrote:
> I cannot recreate exactly your effect, but I noticed the following: if I
> convert to rgb I lose some of the sparkle, too, but that depends on the rgb
> profile I use. By default (stupid default, our bad), the Adobe RGB profile
> is selected when you convert to rgb. Much better results can be had with the
> lcms internal sRGB profile. (This is logical, since Adobe RGB is a pretty
> bad profile, for fun & kicks, create a white image and then switch to Adobe RGB
> as your display profile.)

This seems to have fixed things - the resulting image is as far as I
can tell exactly what I was expecting.

Is there a way for me to change the default to Adobe RGB?  I looked
under Configure Krita, but didn't see how I might do this.

If I can be critical for a moment, I think that though the dialog that
comes up for 'Convert Image Type...' is thorough, it actually may
offer too many options.  Using the lcms internal sRGB profile makes
sense to me now, but I don't know how long it would have taken for me
to discover this.  Unfortunately I have no suggestions as to how this
could be preserved while still maintaining all the flexibility Krita
now offers.

Thanks for all your help in this matter.  Now I can go off with Dan
Margulis's book and become a total LAB junkie ;-)

Best regards as always,


> --
> Boudewijn Rempt

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