Krita use in VFX

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Tue Jun 12 13:37:24 CEST 2007

> No, it's a 32bit float single channel tiff (grayscale, if you want)
> containing multiple layers for mip-mapping:
It's, indead, not supported (but Krita should fail and not crash) :/ In fact 
Krita only supports reading from tiff file what it can use internally, the 
main idea is to wait for user to request support before adding it. Does a 
32bit float single channel image works the same way as a 32bit float RGB 
image ? If that's the case, it should be pretty easy to add support for it.

> TextureInfo: file "displacement.tif"
> Type:   plain texture
> Version:       3 (4)
> Maxchan:       0 (8)
> (...)
> The info displayed is partly Pixar TIFF tags that are used to help a 3D
> renderer treat such a file correctly for texture filtering etc.
> I'll get a list of these tags, if you want to support them.
That would be nice, I guess that's what your other mails were about ?

> It would be really awesome if Krita did retain those (like e.g. the
> comment in an EXR).
> No other application on the market (including commercial ones)
> supports this. Cinepaint e.g. opens all mip-map levels but throws the
> tags away on saving. Photoshop opens only the highest mip-map level and
> throws all tags away on save too. Tags can also include 4x4 matrices for
> shadow depth maps and the like.
> If that information would be kept (and be editable, either directly
> during working in Krita or even only during save -- the lame Photoshop
> way of doing it), that would be a kick arse feature -- as simple as it
> sounds.
> Metadata that gets lost in applications treating it like 2nd class
> citizens (where pixels are the 1st class), usually adds a major layer of
> unnecessary complexity to a pipeline as the data as to be re-created
> somehow.  I.e. in case of a TIFF texture that is turned into an ordinary
> TIFF by stripping its metadata (and likely other stuff like mip-maps
> etc.), another app has to be called every time the image is edited to
> re-create the the metadata (and the mip-map levels etc.).
> Worse, the metadata that was in the image in the 1st place must be
> stored elsewhere before editing the image, so it can be re-created
> correctly afterwards...
It's exactly what I am working on :) We are currently treating metadata as 4th 
or 5th class citizens, but mostly because of our ignorence, that's why user 
input and experience is important: my main interest is photo and drawing, so 
until 1.5/1.6 I was only aware of the importance of EXIF tags. That's why in 
1.5/1.6 the metadata framework is designed around EXIF, in 2.0 the metadata 
framework is designed around XMP, which offers the flexibility which will 
allow to easily save and load most kind of metadata, and it will comes with 
an editor for it. So metadata won't be 1st class citizen (it's not the 
primary goal of Krita), but the most important thing will be available to the 

Cyrille Berger

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