Floating point color in Krita

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Sat Nov 18 00:09:48 CET 2006

Am 17.11.06, 18:42 +0100 schrieb Bart Coppens:

> On Friday 17 November 2006 18:04, Mikhail Lyossin wrote:
> > The better choice for all of  us would be to have some switch in options
> > which would allow to use anyone any representation he likes.
> I'm not sure about that, sounds a bit confusing, no?
> > The only 
> > requirement is to provide ability for the user to set out-of-gamut colors,
> > like negative or very large numbers in any mode to avoid occasional color
> > clamping, I think.
> Actually, does lcms have an out-of-gamut-check function? I looked at that 
> once, but could only find a parameter so that lcms would change out of gamut 
> colors to another color. Not quite what I had in mind...
> Bart

cmsFLAGS_GAMUTCHECK is to be set in the flags of lcms and the out of gamut 
colours elsewhere.

Kai-Uwe Behrmann
                                + development for color management 
                                + imaging / panoramas
                                + email: ku.b at gmx.de
                                + http://www.behrmann.name

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