Colorspaces and medium interactions

Casper Boemann cbr at
Thu Mar 30 11:59:09 CEST 2006


I think your suggestions sound interesting and certainly in the direction I 
myself was thinking. However like Boudewijn I think we should think this 
through, and this is something that should be done in 2.0 and not 1.6

I also think that you are talking past each other as I see your suggestions 
like very similar.

best regards

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Leonardo Giordani" <leonardo.giordani at>
To: "Krayon (KImageShop)" <kimageshop at>
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:55 AM
Subject: Colorspaces and medium interactions

> While I'm working on the implementation of Curtis's paper (watercolors), I 
> was
> wondering what a colorspace is supposed to contain.
> Namely a colorspace is a reference system that let the user identify 
> colors in
> the spectral space: according to this RGB, CMYK, Lab, etc, are 
> colorspaces.
> Watercolors (Curtis's, Levien's, Wet and sticky) aren't colorspaces: they
> contain a colorspace, but also other functions such as drying, edge
> darkening, etc. Generally speaking they contain "behaviour" functions.
> So what we call colorspace is something more general, a composition of
> physical behaviour and colorspace.
> RGB, CMYK, Lab and so on are colorspaces of the "flat" medium (so to say),
> becouse they simply "paint" the medium, they change the color of the 
> medium
> itself.
> Wet and wet&sticky are "watercolor" mediums and their have only one
> colorspace. They interact with the medium in a complex way, for example
> wetting it, releasing pigment according to its height, etc.
> So my proposal is to re-structure the current "colorspace" directory in 
> order
> to show this difference and to introduce methods that implements the
> interaction with the medium.
> This way RGB and friends could simply inherit the standard interaction 
> methods
> (thus not changing), while watercolors and other fancy things will 
> redefine
> them. The users could select the kind of paper he prefers (by weight, 
> shine,
> pattern, etc.) and let the color interact or not with it.
> What do you think about this?
> Leo
> -- 
> Leonardo Giordani
> Tele-Rilevamento Europa - T.R.E. s.r.l.
> a POLIMI spin-off company
> Via Vittoria Colonna, 7
> 20149 Milano - Italia
> tel.: +39.02.4343.121
> fax: +39.02.4343.1230
> e-mail: leonardo.giordani (at)
> web:
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