Opening of playground/graphics/krita-plugin

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Thu Jan 26 23:44:47 CET 2006

Hi all,

I have open a repository on for external krita plugins. The goal 
is to publish new filters, tools and so on for Krita 1.5. So if, in the 
future, you are developping a new tool, new filter, new paintop, that doesn't 
require a krita 2.0 feature, you will be welcome to develop it inside 
krita-plugin, which will be release.

So you can check it out at :
svn co

(as krita's headers are not installed yet, I had to tell the build style to 
look for my source directory, so you might have to change some to 
make it work, I hope this problem will be solve soon)

Currently, until the release of Krita 1.5, it will be mostly use to test the 
installation of external headers.

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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