The future of selections and masks in Krita

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Tue Aug 1 18:12:03 CEST 2006

> > But to me this suggests that we should take the write protecting out of
> > selections and into "edit masks". Now for all intents and purposes this
> > will give us exactly what boud wants but just not calling it selections,
> > but "Edit masks" (or some other name if you like)
> Won't that just move your 'hell' (I wouldn't call it that) from selections
> to masks? Furthermore, how would you differentiate between edit masks and a
> global selection (yeah I know, implementation detail, but still).
global selection isn't used for "pixel protection", only for copy/pasting and 
as a source for transform tools, that's how you differentiate them

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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